About Mike Gainey


I've been a computer enthusiast since I got my first computer for Christmas when I was 11 years old (in 1980) -- a Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer. It came with a book on the BASIC programming language. That was the start of my journey in computer programming.

TRS-80 Color Computer
TRS-80 Color Computer (c. 1980)
Color Computer BASIC book
Color Computer BASIC Book

Since then, I've been an amateur programmer for over 40 years, learning 80x86 assembly, C, C++, Rust, Go, Java, Python, Julia, Haskell, and maybe a few other programming languages that I can't remember.

One of my first computer programs looked like this:

20 GOTO 10
mesmerizing computer terminal output

The output amazed me and changed my life forever. I felt a feeling of awe of the power of what a computer could do -- or at least the potential. I think of a computer program as a machine that is absurdly faster than a person, and can work an arbitrarily long time for the cost of some electricity. The potential is world changing.

Why Computers

Linux and open source software